PubMed:: "Elasticity Imaging Techniques"[Mesh] OR (elasticity[tiab] AND imaging technique*[tiab]) OR (tissue[tiab] AND elasticity imag*[tiab]) OR elastogra*[tiab] OR sonoelastogra*[tiab] OR acoustic radiation force impulse*[tiab] OR arfi[tiab] OR arfis[tiab] OR vibro acoustogra*[tiab] OR vibroacoustogra*[tiab] OR elastometr*[tiab] OR fibroscan*[tiab] OR elastoscan*[tiab] OR elasticity measur*[tiab] OR shear wave*[tiab] OR (elasticity[ot] AND imaging technique*[ot]) OR (tissue[ot] AND elasticity imag*[ot]) OR elastogra*[ot] OR sonoelastogra*[ot] OR acoustic radiation force impulse*[ot] OR arfi[ot] OR arfis[ot] OR vibro acoustogra*[ot] OR vibroacoustogra*[ot] OR elastometr*[ot] OR fibroscan*[ot] OR elastoscan*[ot] OR elasticity measur*[ot] OR shear wave*[ot];; 'elastography'/exp OR (elasticity NEAR/3 imaging):ab,ti OR (tissue NEAR/3 elasticity):ab,ti OR elastogra*:ab,ti OR sonoelastogra*:ab,ti OR ('acoustic radiation force' NEAR/3 impulse*):ab,ti OR arfi:ab,ti OR arfis:ab,ti OR (vibro NEAR/3 acoustogra*):ab,ti OR vibroacoustogra*:ab,ti OR elastometr*:ab,ti OR fibroscan*:ab,ti OR elastoscan*:ab,ti OR (elasticity NEAR/3 measur*):ab,ti OR (shear NEAR/3 wave*):ab,ti;; Cochrane Library:: (elasticity and imaging) or (tissue and elasticity) or elastogra* or sonoelastogra* or ("acoustic radiation force" and impulse*) or arfi or arfis or (vibro and acoustogra*) or vibroacoustogra* or elastometr* or fibroscan* or elastoscan* or (elasticity and measur*) or (shear and wave*):ti,ab,kw