PubMed:: "Temporal Arteries"[Mesh] OR "Maxillary Artery"[Mesh] OR "Subclavian Artery"[Mesh] OR "Vertebral Artery"[Mesh] OR "Brachiocephalic Veins"[Mesh] OR "Jugular Veins"[Mesh] OR "Subclavian Vein"[Mesh] OR "Carotid Arteries"[Mesh] OR "Carotid Artery Diseases"[Mesh:NoExp] OR ((temporal*[tiab] OR maxillar*[tiab] OR subclavia*[tiab] OR vertebra*[tiab] OR brachicephal*[tiab] OR jugular*[tiab] OR caroti*[tiab] OR innominat*[tiab] OR occipital*[tiab] OR thyrocervical*[tiab] OR suprascapular*[tiab] OR cervical*[tiab] OR angual*[tiab] OR angular*[tiab] OR retromandibular*[tiab] OR submental*[tiab]) AND (artery[tiab] OR arteries[tiab] OR arteria*[tiab] OR vena[tiab] OR vein*[tiab] OR venous[tiab] OR truncus[tiab] OR blood vessel*[tiab]));; 'temporal artery'/exp OR 'brachiocephalic trunk'/exp OR 'carotid artery'/de OR 'carotid artery bifurcation'/exp OR 'common carotid artery'/exp OR 'external carotid artery'/exp OR 'internal carotid artery'/exp OR 'ear artery'/exp OR 'ethmoidal artery'/exp OR 'lingual artery'/exp OR 'maxillary artery'/exp OR 'occipital artery'/exp OR 'ophthalmic artery'/exp OR 'retina artery'/exp OR 'subclavian artery'/exp OR 'temporal artery'/exp OR 'thyroid artery'/exp OR 'trigeminus artery'/exp OR 'vertebral artery'/exp OR 'brachiocephalic vein'/exp OR 'external jugular vein'/exp OR 'internal jugular vein'/exp OR 'jugular vein'/exp OR 'ophthalmic vein'/exp OR 'retina vein'/exp OR 'subclavian vein'/exp OR 'carotid artery disease'/de OR (((temporal* OR maxillar* OR subclavia* OR vertebra* OR brachicephal* OR jugular* OR caroti* OR innominat* OR occipital* OR thyrocervical* OR suprascapular* OR cervical* OR angual* OR angular* OR retromandibular* OR submental*) NEAR/3 (artery OR arteries OR arteria* OR vena OR vein* OR venous OR truncus OR 'blood vessel' OR 'blood vessels'))):ti,ab;; Web of Science:: ((temporal* OR maxillar* OR subclavia* OR vertebra* OR brachicephal* OR jugular* OR caroti* OR innominat* OR occipital* OR thyrocervical* OR suprascapular* OR cervical* OR angual* OR angular* OR retromandibular* OR submental*) NEAR/3 (artery OR arteries OR arteria* OR vena OR vein* OR venous OR truncus OR "blood vessel" OR "blood vessels"))
drafted for a search in combination with Fistulae (of blood vessels), Head and neck.
Anatomy; PubMed (PM); (EM); Clarivate Analytics/Web of Science (WoS)