"Biomarkers"[Mesh] OR marker[tiab] OR markers[tiab] OR label[tiab] OR labels[tiab] OR radiolabel*[tiab] OR biomarker*[tiab] OR timp[tiab] OR (tissue[tiab] AND inhibitor*[tiab]);; Biomarkers limited:: "Biomarkers"[Mesh] OR "Proteomics"[Mesh] OR biomarker*[tw] OR marker*[tw] OR proteomic*[tw];; Biomarkers extensive:: "Biomarkers"[Mesh] OR "Proteomics"[Mesh] OR "Proteome"[Mesh] OR biomarker*[tiab] OR marker*[tiab] OR biological marker*[tiab] OR clinical marker*[tiab] OR immunologic marker*[tiab] OR immune marker*[tiab] OR viral marker*[tiab] OR serum marker*[tiab] OR surrogate endpoint*[tiab] OR surrogate end point*[tiab] OR surrogate marker*[tiab] OR biochemical marker*[tiab] OR laboratory marker*[tiab] OR proteom*[tiab];; Biomarkers very extensive + blood markers:: "Biological Factors"[Mesh] OR biomarker*[tiab] OR bioindicator*[tiab] OR biological indicator*[tiab] OR marker*[tiab] OR surrogate endpoint*[tiab] OR surrogate end point*[tiab] OR factor*[tiab] OR determinant*[tiab] OR (("blood" [Subheading] OR plasma[tiab] OR serum[tiab] OR serologic[tiab] OR blood[tiab] OR hemostat*[tiab] OR haemostat*[tiab] OR hematol*[tiab] OR haematol*[tiab]) AND level*[tiab]) OR (("blood" [Subheading] OR plasma[tiab] OR serum[tiab] OR serologic[tiab] OR blood[tiab] OR hemostat*[tiab] OR haemostat*[tiab] OR hematol*[tiab] OR haematol*[tiab]) AND concentration*[tiab]) OR (("blood" [Subheading] OR plasma[tiab] OR serum[tiab] OR serologic[tiab] OR blood[tiab] OR hemostat*[tiab] OR haemostat*[tiab] OR hematol*[tiab] OR haematol*[tiab]) AND circulat*[tiab]) OR (("blood" [Subheading] OR plasma[tiab] OR serum[tiab] OR serologic[tiab] OR blood[tiab] OR hemostat*[tiab] OR haemostat*[tiab] OR hematol*[tiab] OR haematol*[tiab]) AND sampl*[tiab])
Ket JCF and Vries R de
limited and extensive by Ket, 29 Feb 2012; very extensive by De Vries, 2 Jul 2015; revision by De Vries, 19 Feb 2016.