PubMed limited:: "Internet"[Mesh] OR "Telemedicine"[Mesh] OR e-health[tiab] OR ehealth[tiab] OR web portal*[tiab] OR e-consult*[tiab] OR econsult*[tiab];; PubMed extended:: "Telemedicine"[Mesh] OR "Telenursing"[Mesh] OR "User-Computer Interface"[Mesh] OR "Multimedia"[Mesh] OR "Cell phones"[Mesh] OR "Public health informatics"[Mesh] OR "Medical informatics"[Mesh] OR "Nursing informatics"[Mesh] OR "Computers, handheld"[Mesh] OR "Mobile Applications"[Mesh] OR "Internet"[Mesh] OR "Patient Portals"[Mesh] OR econsult*[tiab] OR e-consult*[tiab] OR ediagnos*[tiab] OR e diagnos*[tiab] OR mobile health*[tiab] OR mhealth*[tiab] OR m health*[tiab] OR telehealth*[tiab] OR tele health[tiab] OR remote consult*[tiab] OR teleconsult*[tiab] OR tele consult*[tiab] OR telenursing[tiab] OR tele nursing[tiab] OR telediagnos*[tiab] OR tele diagnos*[tiab] OR telemedic*[tiab] OR tele medic*[tiab] OR telemonitor*[tiab] OR tele monitor*[tiab] OR ehealth*[tiab] OR e-health*[tiab] OR telecare[tiab] OR tele care[tiab] OR digital health[tiab] OR app[tiab] OR apps[tiab] OR smartphone*[tiab] OR phone application*[tiab] OR telephone application*[tiab] OR mobile application*[tiab] OR mobile technolog*[tiab] OR health technolog*[tiab] OR health application*[tiab] OR internet*[tiab] OR world wide web*[tiab] OR webportal*[tiab] OR web portal*[tiab] OR patient portal*[tiab] OR ipad[tiab] OR ipads[tiab] OR sms[tiab] OR mms[tiab] OR text messag*[tiab] OR ussd[tiab] OR pda[tiab] OR laptop*[tiab] OR palmtop*[tiab] OR palm top*[tiab] OR personal digital assistant*[tiab] OR telecounsel*[tiab] OR tele counsel*[tiab] OR remote counsel*[tiab] OR distance consult*[tiab] OR distance counsel*[tiab] OR distant consult*[tiab] OR patient monitoring[tiab] OR interactive voice response*[tiab] OR multimedia[tiab] OR Mhapps[tiab] OR iphone*[tiab] OR android[tiab] OR game*[tiab] OR gaming[tiab] OR gamification[tiab] OR whatsapp*[tiab] OR e-coach*[tiab] OR wearable*[tiab] OR social media[tiab] OR "online social network"[tiab] OR "online social networks"[tiab] OR facebook[tiab] OR exergam*[tiab] OR serious gam*[tiab] OR personal health record*[tiab] OR personal electronic health record*[tiab] OR health kiosk*[tiab];; 'internet'/exp OR 'telehealth'/exp OR 'e health':ab,ti OR ehealth:ab,ti OR (web NEXT/1 portal*):ab,ti OR (e NEXT/1 consult*):ab,ti OR econsult*:ab,ti;; extended:: 'telehealth'/de OR 'telemedicine'/de OR 'telemonitoring'/exp OR 'internet'/exp OR 'computer interface'/exp OR 'multimedia'/exp OR 'mobile phone'/exp OR 'microcomputer'/exp OR 'mobile application'/exp OR 'medical informatics'/exp OR 'e health':ab,ti OR ehealth:ab,ti OR 'mobile health*':ab,ti OR mhealth*:ab,ti OR 'm health*':ab,ti OR telehealth*:ab,ti OR 'tele health':ab,ti OR telemedic*:ab,ti OR 'tele medic*':ab,ti OR telemonitor*:ab,ti OR 'tele monitor*':ab,ti OR telecare:ab,ti OR 'tele care':ab,ti OR 'digital health':ab,ti OR app:ab,ti OR apps:ab,ti OR smartphone*:ab,ti OR 'phone application*':ab,ti OR 'telephone application*':ab,ti OR 'mobile application*':ab,ti OR 'mobile technolog*':ab,ti OR 'health technolog*':ab,ti OR 'health application*':ab,ti OR internet*:ab,ti OR 'world wide web*':ab,ti OR webportal*:ab,ti OR 'web portal*':ab,ti OR 'patient portal*':ab,ti OR ipad:ab,ti OR ipads:ab,ti OR sms:ab,ti OR mms:ab,ti OR 'text messag*':ab,ti OR pda:ab,ti OR laptop*:ab,ti OR palmtop*:ab,ti OR 'palm top*':ab,ti OR 'personal digital assistant*':ab,ti OR 'patient monitoring':ab,ti OR 'interactive voice response*':ab,ti OR multimedia:ab,ti OR Mhapps:ab,ti OR iphone*:ab,ti OR android:ab,ti OR game*:ab,ti OR 'serious gam*':ab,ti OR gamification:ab,ti OR whatsapp*:ab,ti OR 'e-coach*':ab,ti OR wearable*:ab,ti OR 'social media':ab,ti OR 'online social network*':ab,ti OR facebook:ab,ti OR 'personal health record*';; PsycInfo extended:: (DE "Telemedicine" OR DE "Internet" DE "Computer Mediated Communication" OR DE "Telecommunications Media" OR DE "Cellular Phones" OR DE "Computer Applications" OR DE "Multimedia" OR DE "Microcomputers" OR DE "Mobile Devices" OR DE "Social Media" OR DE "Online Social Networks" OR DE "Text Messaging") OR TI ("e health" OR ehealth OR "mobile health*" OR mhealth* OR "m health*" OR telehealth* OR "tele health" OR telemedic* OR "tele medic*" OR telemonitor* OR "tele monitor*" OR telecare OR "tele care" OR "digital health" OR app OR apps OR smartphone* OR "phone application*" OR "telephone application*" OR "mobile application*" OR "mobile technolog*" OR "health technolog*" OR "health application*" OR internet* OR "world wide web*" OR webportal* OR "web portal*" OR "patient portal* "OR ipad OR ipads OR sms OR mms OR "text messag*" OR pda OR laptop* OR palmtop* OR "palm top*" OR "personal digital assistant*" OR "patient monitoring" OR "interactive voice response*" OR multimedia OR Mhapps OR iphone* OR android OR game* OR "serious gam*" OR gamification OR whatsapp* OR "e-coach*" OR wearable* OR "social media" OR "online social network*" OR facebook OR "personal health record*" OR "personal electronic health record*" OR "health kiosk*") OR AB (("e health" OR ehealth OR "mobile health*" OR mhealth* OR "m health*" OR telehealth* OR "tele health" OR telemedic* OR "tele medic*" OR telemonitor* OR "tele monitor*" OR telecare OR "tele care" OR "digital health" OR app OR apps OR smartphone* OR "phone application*" OR "telephone application*" OR "mobile application*" OR "mobile technolog*" OR "health technolog*" OR "health application*" OR internet* OR "world wide web*" OR webportal* OR "web portal*" OR "patient portal*" OR ipad OR ipads OR sms OR mms OR "text messag*" OR pda OR laptop* OR palmtop* OR "palm top*" OR "personal digital assistant*" OR "patient monitoring" OR "interactive voice response*" OR multimedia OR Mhapps OR iphone* OR android OR game* OR "serious gam*" OR gamification OR whatsapp* OR "e-coach*" OR wearable* OR "social media" OR "online social network*" OR facebook OR "personal health record*" OR "personal electronic health record*" OR "health kiosk*");; CINAHL:: ( (MH "Internet+" OR MH "Telehealth+" ) OR TI ( (e-health OR ehealth OR web portal* OR e-consult* OR econsult*) ) OR AB ( (e-health OR ehealth OR web portal* OR e-consult* OR econsult*) );; CINAHL extended:: (MH "Telehealth+") OR (MH "Internet+") OR (MH "User-Computer Interface+") OR (MH "Multimedia") OR (MH "Cellular Phone+") OR (MH "Medical Informatics") OR (MH "Nursing Informatics") OR (MH "Computers, Hand-Held+") OR (MH "Mobile Applications") OR (MH "Text Messaging") OR TI ("e health" OR ehealth OR "mobile health*" OR mhealth* OR "m health*" OR telehealth* OR "tele health" OR telemedic* OR "tele medic*" OR telemonitor* OR "tele monitor*" OR telecare OR "tele care" OR "digital health" OR app OR apps OR smartphone* OR "phone application*" OR "telephone application*" OR "mobile application*" OR "mobile technolog*" OR "health technolog*" OR "health application*" OR internet* OR "world wide web*" OR webportal* OR "web portal*" OR "patient portal* "OR ipad OR ipads OR sms OR mms OR "text messag*" OR pda OR laptop* OR palmtop* OR "palm top*" OR "personal digital assistant*" OR "patient monitoring" OR "interactive voice response*" OR multimedia OR Mhapps OR iphone* OR android OR game* OR "serious gam*" OR gamification OR whatsapp* OR "e-coach*" OR wearable* OR "social media" OR "online social network*" OR facebook OR "personal health record*" OR "personal electronic health record*" OR "health kiosk*") OR AB (("e health" OR ehealth OR "mobile health*" OR mhealth* OR "m health*" OR telehealth* OR "tele health" OR telemedic* OR "tele medic*" OR telemonitor* OR "tele monitor*" OR telecare OR "tele care" OR "digital health" OR app OR apps OR smartphone* OR "phone application*" OR "telephone application*" OR "mobile application*" OR "mobile technolog*" OR "health technolog*" OR "health application*" OR internet* OR "world wide web*" OR webportal* OR "web portal*" OR "patient portal*" OR ipad OR ipads OR sms OR mms OR "text messag*" OR pda OR laptop* OR palmtop* OR "palm top*" OR "personal digital assistant*" OR "patient monitoring" OR "interactive voice response*" OR multimedia OR Mhapps OR iphone* OR android OR game* OR "serious gam*" OR gamification OR whatsapp* OR "e-coach*" OR wearable* OR "social media" OR "online social network*" OR facebook OR "personal health record*" OR "personal electronic health record*" OR "health kiosk*");; Cochrane Library:: (internet* OR telehealth* OR telemedicine OR telenursing OR e-health OR ehealth OR "web portal*" OR e-consult* OR econsult*):ti,ab,kw
Otten RHJ
PubMed limited, 8 May 2013;, CINAHL and Cochrane Library, 13 May 2013; PubMed extended by Otten, 16 Jul 2014; PubMed extended revised by De Vries, 25 Feb 2016; PubMed extra extension by Schoonmade, 9 Sep 2016; and PsycInfo extended by Schoonmade, 9 Sep 2016; CINAHL extended 7 mei 2018 by Otten.
EBSCO/CINAHL; (EM); Health sciences; PubMed (PM); Wiley/Cochrane Library (CLib)