PubMed limited:: (colonic neoplasms[mesh] OR colon cancer*[tw] OR colonic cancer*[tw] OR rectal cancer*[tw] OR colorectal cancer*[tw] OR rectum cancer*[tw] OR colon tumo*[tw] OR colonic tumo*[tw] OR rectal tumo*[tw] OR colorectal tumo*[tw] OR rectum tumo*[tw] OR colon neoplas*[tw] OR colonic neoplas*[tw] OR rectal neoplas*[tw] OR colorectal neoplas*[tw] OR rectum neoplas*[tw]);; PubMed extended:: ("Colorectal Neoplasms"[Mesh]) OR (("Neoplasms"[Mesh] OR carcinoma*[tw] OR neoplas*[tw] OR tumour*[tw] OR sarcoma*[tw] OR adenoma*[tw] OR tumor*[tw] OR cancer*[tw] OR cancer[sb] OR oncolog*[tw] OR melanom*[tw] OR lymphom*[tw] OR leukemi*[tw] OR malignan*[tw] OR metasta*[tw] OR carcinogen*[tw] OR oncogen*[tw] OR anticarcinogen*[tw] OR precancerous[tw] OR paraneoplastic[tw] OR neuroma*[tw] OR blastoma*[tw] OR meningioma*[tw] OR lymphangioma*[tw] OR lymphangiomyoma*[tw] OR lymphangiosarcoma*[tw] OR "hodgkin disease"[tw] OR plasmacytoma*[tw] OR carcinosarcoma*[tw] OR hepatoblastoma*[tw] OR mesenchymoma*[tw]) AND (colorectal*[tw] OR colon[tw] OR rectal*[tw]));; PubMed extended (variant):: "Colorectal Neoplasms"[Mesh] OR "Appendiceal Neoplasms"[Mesh] OR ((carcinoma*[tiab] OR neoplas*[tiab] OR tumour*[tiab] OR adenocar*[tiab] OR adenoid*[tiab] OR tumor*[tiab] OR cancer*[tiab] OR malignan*[tiab]) AND ("Intestine, Large"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Cecum"[Mesh] OR "Colon"[Mesh] OR "Rectum"[Mesh] OR colorectal*[tiab] OR colon*[tiab] OR rectal*[tiab] OR appendi*[tiab] OR cecum*[tiab] OR coecum*[tiab] OR caecum*[tiab] OR cecal*[tiab] OR coecal*[tiab] OR caecal*[tiab] OR sigmoid*[tiab])) OR ((carcinoma*[ot] OR neoplas*[ot] OR tumour*[ot] OR adenocar*[ot] OR adenoid*[ot] OR tumor*[ot] OR cancer*[ot] OR malignan*[ot]) AND ("Intestine, Large"[Mesh:NoExp] OR "Cecum"[Mesh] OR "Colon"[Mesh] OR "Rectum"[Mesh] OR colorectal*[ot] OR colon*[ot] OR rectal*[ot] OR appendi*[ot] OR cecum*[ot] OR coecum*[ot] OR caecum*[ot] OR cecal*[ot] OR coecal*[ot] OR caecal*[ot] OR sigmoid*[ot]));; 'colon tumor'/exp OR 'rectum tumor'/exp OR ('neoplasm'/exp OR carcinoma*:de,ab,ti OR neoplas*:de,ab,ti OR tumour*:de,ab,ti OR sarcoma*:de,ab,ti OR adenoma*:de,ab,ti OR tumor*:de,ab,ti OR cancer*:de,ab,ti OR oncolog*:de,ab,ti OR melanom*:de,ab,ti OR lymphom*:de,ab,ti OR leukemi*:de,ab,ti OR malignan*:de,ab,ti OR metasta*:de,ab,ti OR carcinogen*:de,ab,ti OR oncogen*:de,ab,ti OR anticarcinogen*:de,ab,ti OR precancerous:de,ab,ti OR paraneoplastic:de,ab,ti OR neuroma*:de,ab,ti OR blastoma*:de,ab,ti OR meningioma*:de,ab,ti OR lymphangioma*:de,ab,ti OR lymphangiomyoma*:de,ab,ti OR lymphangiosarcoma*:de,ab,ti OR 'hodgkin disease':de,ab,ti OR plasmacytoma*:de,ab,ti OR carcinosarcoma*:de,ab,ti OR hepatoblastoma*:de,ab,ti OR mesenchymoma*:de,ab,ti AND (colorectal*:de,ab,ti OR colon:de,ab,ti OR rectal*:de,ab,ti));; extended (variant):: 'colon tumor'/de OR 'colon cancer'/exp OR 'colorectal tumor'/exp OR 'large intestine tumor'/de OR 'appendix tumor'/exp OR 'cecum tumor'/exp OR 'large intestine cancer'/exp OR 'rectum tumor'/exp OR (carcinoma*:ab,ti OR neoplas*:ab,ti OR tumour*:ab,ti OR adenocar*:ab,ti OR adenoid*:ab,ti OR tumor*:ab,ti OR cancer*:ab,ti OR malignan*:ab,ti AND ('large intestine'/de OR 'cecum'/exp OR 'colon'/exp OR 'rectum'/exp OR colorectal*:ab,ti OR colon*:ab,ti OR rectal*:ab,ti OR appendi*:ab,ti OR cecum*:ab,ti OR coecum*:ab,ti OR caecum*:ab,ti OR cecal*:ab,ti OR coecal*:ab,ti OR caecal*:ab,ti OR sigmoid*:ab,ti));; CINAHL:: MH "Colorectal Neoplasms+" OR ((MH "Neoplasms+" OR TI (carcinoma* OR neoplas* OR tumour* OR sarcoma* OR adenoma* OR tumor* OR cancer* OR oncolog* OR melanom* OR lymphom* OR leukemi* OR malignan* OR metasta* OR carcinogen* OR oncogen* OR anticarcinogen* OR precancerous OR paraneoplastic OR neuroma* OR blastoma* OR meningioma* OR lymphangioma* OR lymphangiomyoma* OR lymphangiosarcoma* OR "hodgkin disease" OR plasmacytoma* OR carcinosarcoma* OR hepatoblastoma* OR mesenchymoma*) OR AB (carcinoma* OR neoplas* OR tumour* OR sarcoma* OR adenoma* OR tumor* OR cancer* OR oncolog* OR melanom* OR lymphom* OR leukemi* OR malignan* OR metasta* OR carcinogen* OR oncogen* OR anticarcinogen* OR precancerous OR paraneoplastic OR neuroma* OR blastoma* OR meningioma* OR lymphangioma* OR lymphangiomyoma* OR lymphangiosarcoma* OR "hodgkin disease" OR plasmacytoma* OR carcinosarcoma* OR hepatoblastoma* OR mesenchymoma*) ) AND (TI (colorectal* OR colon OR rectal*) OR AB (colorectal* OR colon OR rectal*)));; Cochrane Library:: (carcinoma* or neoplas* or tumour* or sarcoma* or adenoma* or tumor* or cancer* or oncolog* or melanom* or lymphom* or leukemi* or malignan* or metasta* or carcinogen* or oncogen* or anticarcinogen* or precancerous or paraneoplastic or neuroma* or blastoma* or meningioma* or lymphangioma* or lymphangiomyoma* or lymphangiosarcoma* or "hodgkin disease" or plasmacytoma* or carcinosarcoma* or hepatoblastoma* or mesenchymoma*):ti,ab,kw and (colorectal* or colon or rectal*):ti,ab,kw;; Cochrane Library extended (variant):: ((carcinoma* or neoplas* or tumour* or adenocar* or adenoid* or tumor* or cancer* or malignan*) and (colorectal* or colon* or rectal* or appendi* or cecum* or coecum* or caecum* or cecal* or coecal* or caecal* or sigmoid*)):ti,ab,kw;; PubMed Rectal neoplasms:: "Rectal Neoplasms"[Mesh:NoExp] OR (cancer[sb] AND ("Rectum"[Mesh] OR rectum[tiab] OR rectal*[tiab]))
Ket JCF, Otten RHJ, and Volkers L
used in combination with: Sexual functions. PubMed limited by Volkers, 17 Aug 2010. PM extended, EM, CINAHL and CLib by Otten, 31 Jul 2014. PubMed, and Cochrane Library extended (variant) by Ket, 7 Jul 2015. PM Rectal neoplasms drafted by Ket, 30 Sep 2019