OVID/Medline:: (exp randomized controlled trial/ or random*.ti,ab,kf or ((pragmatic or practical) adj clinical trial*).ti,ab,kf or ((non-inferiority or noninferiority or superiority or equivalence) adj3 trial*).ti,ab,kf ) not (comment/ or editorial/ or letter/ or ((exp animals/ or exp models, animal/) not humans/));; PubMed:: ("Randomized Controlled Trial" [Publication Type] OR random*[tiab] OR pragmatic clinical trial*[tiab] OR practical clinical trial*[tiab] OR non-inferiority trial*[tiab] OR noninferiority trial*[tiab] OR superiority trial*[tiab] OR equivalence clinical trial*[tiab]) NOT (("Animals"[Mesh]) OR "Models, Animal"[Mesh] NOT humans[mh]) NOT (letter[pt] OR comment[pt] OR editorial[pt]);; OVID/Embase:: (exp randomized controlled trial/ or random*.ti,ab or ((pragmatic or practical) adj clinical trial*).ti,ab or ((non-inferiority or noninferiority or superiority or equivalence) adj3 trial*).ti,ab) not ((exp animal/ or exp 'animal experiment'/ or exp 'animal model'/ or exp 'nonhuman'/) NOT exp 'human'/) NOT (conference abstract or conference review or editorial or letter or note).pt.;; Embase.com:: ('randomized controlled trial'/exp OR random*:ti,ab OR (((pragmatic OR practical) NEAR/1 'clinical trial*'):ti,ab) OR ((('non inferiority' OR noninferiority OR superiority OR equivalence) NEAR/3 trial*):ti,ab)) NOT (('animal'/exp or 'animal experiment'/exp OR 'animal model'/exp OR 'nonhuman'/exp) NOT 'human'/exp) NOT ('conference abstract'/it OR 'conference review'/it OR 'editorial'/it OR 'letter'/it OR 'note'/it)
Delvaux E, Hielkema L, Ket JCF, Mol M, Niesink-Boerboom L, Van Dusseldorp I, and Wessels M
Drafted to search specifically for guidelines. This search block was developed by a group of medical information specialists. This project is funded by the Biomedical Information Specialists (BMI)-group. The project as a whole aims to develop a guideline (‘Leidraad’) for searching for guidelines in cooperation between the Knowledge Institute of the Federation of Medical Specialists (https://www.demedischspecialist.nl/kennisinstituut) and the BMI. The BMI is a working group of the KNVI (Royal Dutch Society for Information Professionals).